
Also sightseeing together helped us to get to know each other and our partners’ countries. For example on the first whole day it helped us a lot to learn the other´s names and to have contact with everyone for the first time. On that first day, we went to Betty´s Bay where we were watching penguins who were really living there. It was a nice adventure because most of us had never seen free living penguins before. After that we drove to the beach, where almost all of us went swimming – even if the water wasn´t very warm. Some little accidents happened, like wet clothing, some sunburns or a toe incised by a sea snail, but nothing spoiled our moods, also because we were treated with Fish and Chips very well. That first day was really lots of fun for us. The next sightseeing trip was three days after the first time. We left the camp very early and went to Bo-Kaap by bus. Mr Matheus explained us lots of things about the history of the colourful houses and its inhabitants. After that we went on to the District Six-Museum where we learned important facts about the Apartheid, which were told us by a contemporary witness. On the museum´s floor the old street names were shown and their street signs hung down from the ceiling. It was really impressive because everything was full of details. The unbelievable thing we learnt about Apartheid was that the people were treated so unfair. And it´s really hard, that all of that ended that late. Almost thirty years ago the Apartheid was still there in South Africa! Later we had a little break at the District Six for eating our lunch. It was hard to learn that people were expelled for nothing. Even today not many houses are built there. After that we drove to Robben Island by boat. The boat trips took almost an hour and many of us felt sick, but luckily nothing really bad happened. On Robben Island we visited the prison, guided by an ex-prisoner. He told us about his time on Robben Island, about Nelson Mandela and why he came back. It was a wonder for all of us that he forgave the people for what they did to him. In the evening, we talked about it and couldn´t imagine forgiving such a big thing. Some of us don’t even forgive if someone tells them jokes about themselves. On that day, we learned many things -not only about the history- and hopefully it will keep in our minds. Three days after that we drove to Stellenbosch, the little city where we were living öfor the whole time. It was really hot, but Mr. Markram´s tour was very interesting and he guided us to important attractions and little and very sweet stores. After that we had free time for going shopping or buying souvenirs or drinks and food. We built little groups and went through the little streets and stores. It was really great to have free time and the possibility to decide on our owns what to do. On the next day, we got up very early in the morning and went hiking. It was really lots of fun, even though some of us had to carry one girl because of a really hurting knee. But that was fun, too, because all of this group kept together. After a long break to freshen up and have breakfast, we drove to Root 44 Market, where we had free time, again. This market was really great, because there was really good food and nice souvenirs and other little things like jewelry or clothing to buy. After that we went to the beach, where we played little games together. We had lots of fun, but in a short time of distraction three pairs of shoes and trousers went completely wet because of an unseen wave. That was a little disaster because later the Germans visited the South African´s families. Luckily it wasn´t that bad that the shoes were drenched. The family visit was definitely a highlight of our program. The families were very open and friendly and all of us felt like at home. This day was a very long day, but it was really unforgettable. Two days later we departed the camp very early and went to the Township Khayelitsha. Mr. Matheus told us things we hadn´t thought about before. He asked us questions. The shacks could be seen until the horizon and it was really, really big. Later we went to the Botanical garden. Mr. Matheus guided us in the beginning, again, but after that we could experience everything on our own. We built small groups and walked through the little ways between the plants and animals. Some of them only grow in the area close to Table Mountain. It was great because the weather was good but the plants made some shadows. After that we went to the beach. Few of us went swimming and the others were sitting in the sun or playing ball. After that we had to go to the bus. It was really fun and all of us were wet afterwards. We had to climb little rocks without being caught by the waves. But finally, we reached the bus. We drove to Table Mountain and were taken up by cable cars. We were guided, again and the sight was beautiful. We also saw Robben Island, which wasn´t that far away from the land any more. We also took many pictures and the sunset was really awesome. In the end, you can say that we saw many things in and close to Cape Town and this in only two weeks or five days of sightseeing. It´s really awesome what we could see and experience the country together with our partners- lots of the places we visited they hadn’t been to before, too! Thank you for that amazing program!

Written by Melissa Köllner