My personal experience

One thing I have learned was how to put together a theatre play in such a short amount of rehearsing time especially with a lot of people acting. Not only did we have little time to rehearse but also we performed eight times in total and also in different locations. One might think that after probably the fourth or fifth time you would get sick of the theatre play already…but that was not the case for me. I learned to appreciate the time. I learned to appreciate every single second we had together and that means also the times we performed our theatre play on stage in front of people. Sometimes it was really hard to cope with the location, one time we had such little space, it was like half or even a fourth of the space we originally rehearsed on. And the other times we also performed outside, which was very hard to adapt to because of the wind you had to talk very loudly so that the audience could at least understand you a little bit. I learned to manage all of that. I learned how to adapt to the unknown location so we could take the best out of our play and make it perfect. It took us a lot of blood, sweat, tears and patience but in the end it was all worth it.

Another thing that I have learned was to live with many people for two weeks. You really never had time to rest for yourself and that is probably what made many of us tired and exhausted, but we learned to cope with that. Of course we all had our differences which we tried to solve, but it did not work out as well as we were hoping it would. We just learned to accept them and make the best out of them because sometimes there are differences which you cannot negotiate.

What touched me the most was that through the hard rehearsals our acting has improved a whole lot. It has not changed, but rather we all took our good and positive traits and let them grow like flowers in a garden, meanwhile our negative traits, the weeds, we plucked it and threw it away. In the end we had a beautiful and colorful garden with so many blooming flowers. It touched me seeing my partners grow day by day and how we learned from each other which also made us grow ourselves.

Written by Kelly Doan